Showing posts with label network. Show all posts
Showing posts with label network. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Behind the scenes at SSuite Office Software...

SSuite Office Software Unplugged...

Many people who visit our website and use our free software applications don't realize that we develop our software after hours and in our spare time. We have normal day jobs just like everybody else...

My brother and I work as Electrical Maintenance Contractors. To be more specific, we do new installations and maintenance of heavy mechanical engineering machinery and equipment.

Below is just a short description on one of our projects that we were contracted to do...

In the beginning...

We have just completed the first phase of a construction project in the local industrial area where we live.

Below are the cranes we finished wiring and are hoisting in place at a new engineering workshop.

SSuite Office         SSuite Office

We still have a long way to go... we have just finished working on four cranes, the other two are not visible in the above shots. We are now waiting for the floor and roof to be finished, there after we need to install and wire all the cables and distribution points inside the workshop.

To follow our whole progress on this massive project, have a look at the below installments that I've created.

Part 2

Below you will see the next stage in the construction of the engineering building we are currently working on.

The roof is up and they are now filling up the floor with concrete and creating the cable trenches...

I will keep you posted as we proceed to install the main cable and switching gear for the electrical distribution.

Part 3

Below you will see the next stage in the construction of the engineering building we are currently working on.

Now that the floor has been done and finished, we were allowed to start installing the workshop bay lights. This must have been the most uncomfortable and scary work I've done in a long time... check this out!   Nearly 40 feet of pure death waiting for me at the bottom...

It took us exactly 5 days to wire and install 60 high-bay lights into the two workshop bays, but we finally finished and all the lights were switched on to make sure it all worked.

I will keep you posted as we proceed to install the main cable and switching gear for the electrical distribution

Part 4

Below you will see the next stage in the construction of the engineering building we are currently working on.

All the cables have been delivered and we are currently busy installing them. There are thin cables and then there are some major ones waiting for use to be dragged into place thru-out the engineering workshop. The really thick cables will be left for last, as they are the main incoming power cables.

Today we have dragged into place 500 meters of 16mm² cable and installed five 80A welding plugs, 450 meters of 2.5mm²  cable with seven  ordinary 220V plugs.

Many more cable dragging and installation awaits us next week.

Part 5

Below you will see the next stage in the construction of the engineering building we are currently working on.

We have finally finished dragging in all the main cables and have also completed the wiring of the two main distribution boards in the engineering workshops. Below you will see the two main boards including the primary change-over switch for the diesel generator.{we suffer from severe rolling black-outs}.


Finaly, The End of the Project...

Below are the final screenshots of the engineering building we were contracted to electrify and wire some time ago. We have finally finished this building with the last two outside flood-lights being installed and connected.


The first image, starting from the top-left, is me wiring up the engineering shop's backup-generator. Our country's national electricity infrastructure is on the verge of collapse, which means we suffer from a lot of brown-outs. The second image is my father wiring the main office's air-conditioners. The third image is the outside flood-lights that we just installed and connected.

The last image is me wiring the Day-Night light switch for the outside flood lights. We have finally finished the engineering shop. For those who are wondering who took the photos... that would be my brother Marius{ also holding and cracking the whip as we work }.


Saturday, February 22, 2020

How to setup your web browser to secure your internet connection using DNS-OVER-HTTPS

Protect yourself by modifying your web browser's internal security settings...

Image inserted by SSuite Office Fandango Desktop EditorBefore you start doing anything, you will need to change your DNS server settings on your network connection to the internet. Go to your network connection in the Windows Control panel and open its network properties dialog window. In the dialog window, you need to change the DNS server addresses to a server that supports encrypted connections over HTTPS.

In our example we will be changing it to CloudFlare's servers e.g. Preferred and Alternate - Below you will see what you need to change to begin...

Image inserted by SSuite Office Fandango Desktop Editor

Now that you have made the necessary changes, we will now start with your web browser's security settings in order to modify and accommodate the correct protocols.

We will be using Google Chrome, Vivaldi , Opera, and Microsoft's Edge browsers as our main examples as they are all Chromium based...

To make the changes, type in the following command in the URL editbox at the top of your browser:

Chrome://flags   -   Opera://flags   -   Edge://flags   -   Vivaldi://flags

The following page will now present itself...

Security settings for DNS-Over-HTTPS

You need to type in each of the following hash tags to find the appropriate setting:
  1. #enable-quic
  2. #enable-tls13-early-data
  3. #dns-over-https
  4. #edge-tracking-prevention, MS Edge browser ONLY!

You may be asked to restart or relaunch the browser after each setting you have changed. Unfortunately Google Chrome, Opera, and Microsoft Edge does not yet support the ESNI encryption protocol, except for FireFox which supports all the protocols. Keep checking after each browser update to see when it becomes available.

After making the appropriate changes to your browser's security settings, you must now test your web browser and see if it's working.

Click on the following link to navigate to CloudFlare's test page:

CloudFlare - Browser - Test

You should get the following results...

CloudFlare Browser Test to make sure your network connections is secure and encrypted.

Now you're mostly protected against the prying eyes of hackers and intelligence services all over the world...

...Only FireFox(for now) will be able to give you full security and encryption on your internet network connection from your browser to each and every website you visit.

But you must remember, if the website you visit does not support these protocols, then there is nothing to protect you even with all of these changes made!

SSuite Office supports all of the above security protocols... DNSSEC - TLS 1.3 - QUIC - ESNI

...with us you are completely safe and secure!

...Go Online and enjoy complete productivity freedom...
