Showing posts with label spreadsheet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spreadsheet. Show all posts

Thursday, March 5, 2020

End the madness and STOP using proprietary document formats!

Free Word Processors from SSuite Office!You may have noticed that there are no docx or xlsx document formats supported in our applications. This is because in order to support any MS Office document format, we require a very expensive license { the million$...} from Microsoft for each format.

The reason for this is that they are all proprietary patented formats. So you may ask us this then; "...but what about the other open source, free, and retail office suites that claim to be 100% compatible?...". Well, their document formats are all cracked or reverse engineered versions of the original format and are NOT 100% compatible with the original MS Office document formats. None of them are, except Google Docs, as far as I know.

OpenOffice's own document formats are also not even compatible with other open source document formats of the same type. This is because the open source community never set a fixed technical specification's guide for their own document formats. So their formats odf / odt are also not 100% compatible with software supporting these formats.

All Microsoft Excel documents created in SpreadForm One and Accel, are fully compatible with any spreadsheet application that can open and read the Microsoft Excel file format.

Our own presentation document format "SSP" can be opened by any current web browser. Just select the "Open..." option on the main menu and select the "*.*" document format and open your presentation file. This makes our presentation document format the most compatible with all systems and computers.

Using a compatible document format to play nice with everybody

If you need to create and exchange MS Word documents(*.doc) as a rule, then there is another way in staying completely compatible with everybody, no matter what software they use. This format is the most compatible document format currently available next to the rich text document format.
Simply save all your documents in MS Word or SSuite WordGraph in the following manner:

Only use RTF documents, Rich Text Format, from SSuite Office!When you save your documents, use this format...    Word 97-2003 & 6.0/95 - RTF (*.doc)

To simplify this procedure in MS Word, simply go to the "Tools >> Options..." menu item, and under the "Save" tab item, select your default document type as the above mentioned document type. This will ensure that all your documents will stay compatible no matter where you need to use them, either in MS Word or SSuite Office's WordGraph word processor. This procedure may also be used in Word 95 up to Word 2007.


All Excel documents created in SpreadForm One and Accel, are fully compatible with any spreadsheet application that can open and read the Excel file format. Excel files created in Excel itself, are locked to prevent other office suites from being compatible with MS Office. To open these locked Excel files, follow the steps below.

Please Note! - This procedure cannot be used in Excel 2007 or Excel 2010. Microsoft does not support older formats in Excel 2007 and Excel 2010 that are below the standard Office 97. Click here for further details.

For compatibility with Excel, use the following method:

To make a Single Excel 97(or Higher - 2003) worksheet compatible with SSuite Office's SpreadForm One and Accel, follow these steps:
  1. Save your active Excel 97(or Higher - 2003) Worksheet as an Excel 4 Worksheet.
  2. Immediately save the same worksheet as an Excel Workbook, using the "Save As" function,  with a different name as the worksheet.
  3. You can now open your Excel 4 worksheet in SpreadForm One or Accel as an Excel spreadsheet.

Please Note - For further information, see the helpfile under "File Handling".

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

What is a PWA and how to install it with Chrome or MS Edge...

How to get things done with PWAs and bypass all AppStores completely...

PWA? What is that again?

A PWA or Progressive Web Application is a mobile/desktop optimized website that has features of a native application. This means it looks like an app, can be used just like an app, even though it's a website. So you don't even have to go to an AppStore to use or install a PWA! ...Incredible!!

Now you can simply place a PWA enabled website/app on your desktop or mobile device via Google Chrome 70+ or the latest release of MS Edge browser 77+ (Chromium based) and always have it ready to run with just one click, just like a native application. The PWA does without typical browser elements, e.g. URL bar and navigation - as soon as you open it for the first time directly from your desktop or mobile device.

PWAs for the Chrome/FireFox browsers for Android smartphones were already supported at the beginning of 2017 and later activated as standard. Users of Windows 7/8/10 desktop PCs first had to wait a little longer. Only with Chrome 67 could PWAs be installed and used via desktop. With the current versions of Google Chrome and MS Edge, it is now also activated by default.

You can now download and install the latest MS Edge browser (Chromium Based) for Windows 7, 8, and 10... Click Here to Get It!

How to install a PWA under Google Chrome or MS Edge:

Since PWAs are not declared as such in the browser, you don't know at first if the visited website is a PWA or not. Nevertheless, it is very easy to find out. While you are on a website, you simply call up the menu (three points at the top right) of Google Chrome 70+ or MS Edge 77+.

With MS Edge:

Image of SSuite Office PWA Software being installed.

...Or alternatively when a PWA is detected it will display the following notification...

Image of SSuite Office PWA Software being installed.

With Google Chrome:

If you find the entry "Install XYZ" in the menu, then the website is a PWA.

Image of SSuite Office PWA Software being installed.

After you have "installed" the PWA, it appears as an icon on your desktop, taskbar, and/or start menu just like a native application. With a single click you call it up and you will see that the controls described above such as URL bar and navigation are no longer visible.

Furthermore, the PWA is even more deeply integrated into your operating system to allow you for example the offline mode or via online push notifications.

Image of SSuite Office PWA Software being installed.

The magic that is PWA software:

The "native feel" is key to PWAs, and proponents seek to get to the point where a PWA feels just as snappy as its native cousin, and does not necessarily need an internet connection or a visible browser window in order to function.

While PWAs can also be found masquerading as Windows apps in the Microsoft Store (and are launched by Redmond's Edge browser although do get named correctly in Task Manager), the Google approach bypasses the need for a shopfront. Which is something we at SSuite Office really appreciate!

Similarly, Apple quietly added support to its Safari browser, although has been a tad reticent about it. After all, it is possible to pin a PWA to an iOS homescreen, bypassing the AppStore. Kind old Apple has, of course, slapped a bucketload of restrictions on the tech, making native apps a better bet. For now...

Linux and Mac Chrome users will be able to join their Windows 7/8/10 and Chrome OS chums in Google's idea of PWA once version 72 of Mountain View's browser makes an appearance later this year.

And here you will find what you've been looking for...

...Our own FREE PWA software implementations:

Image of SSuite Office PWA Software

Just FYI: We are the first in the world, again, to have created a full PWA office suite! far as we know...Happy Days...

Here is a quick tip about Progressive Web Applications:

To manually update a PWA (Progressive Web Application) - just clear your web browser's App history...

Image of SSuite Office PWA Software being installed.

...Then start the PWA again and it will update itself to the latest version or edition, nice and easy!

